Friday, April 17, 2009

SYF's nxt monday. and im so nervous.
jiayou for all the other groups tht are having competitions :]
results dont matter, wad matters is if you have done your best anot! :]

just hope CO achieves a silver award! den able to have th sustained award ma. im going to swayyyyy, and move my body! liek tht den can like score higher marks :D ahha.
and huizhen hurt her hand, recover quickly! hope it heals by mon :]

had this maths study grp thing, and my group consists of Zihan,Nancy,Jo,Me!
kinda cute, cos our group name's like.
Higher.Order.Thinking H.O.T for short LOLOL.
like so LOL. den quanqin's grp name was, PLUS TEN POINTS.
creative but, yeah. HOW LAME CAN YOU GET. LOL
he super tall la. like giant beside me -.- LOL.

den must add th test marks tgt ma, so can see how many points. the group w th highest no. of points gets treatd to a dinner by Mr Fahmy! LOL. den my group all full marks! except me. T.T like 9 marks. one more mark! den like burden them. bcos of me den lose a mark. :/

anw, had CO today. bro came.actually takign his own cello here cos he claimed he's nto sued to other cellos except his. LOL. but he only bot it like, afew weeks ago? LOL.

My feeling now was like, kind of scared. Like fearing for the coming of monday. (is this a weird sentence structure? :x) Lol.

and i nv knew this till i read th newspaper article!
Want Happiness for a lifetime? Help someone.

well, this article was quite long aft. but i suddenly tot of it now.
and had weird dreams these few days!!

like th greenbean one was kind of scary and funny. LOL
got ghost! was scary in th dream, was funny when i recalled and told my friends. LOL. damn you weijia! greenbean sucks. LOL.

And might be out tomo. Collecting stuffs and buying presents i owe ppl for a long long long long time! So many brithday presents, so litle money. LOL.

and also, so many homework, so little time. :(
exams are nearing. shld study now :]
but so lazy! im scared of my oral.
cos its th fastest to come. 27 april :/

gonna buck up!
cya people. :D

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